
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Faith like a trampoline

Rob Bell wrote a book a few years ago called "Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith."
Now I have to be honest, I never made it through the entire book, it was too much for me to comprehend, it made me exhausted trying to comprehend everything that was going on in that book, but one analogy that I remember mauling over for some time was the analogy that; perhaps instead of looking at our faith as bricks, we should look at it as a trampoline.
Think about it, if your faith is made of bricks, one brick after another, and you find out, without a doubt, that one little bitty thing in what you believe is not true, your entire wall of faith comes crashing down around you.
Now maybe this one little bitty thing was an error on someone else's part; the translator's who interpreted the Bible, or maybe it's just a common misconception and we never stopped to think of it differently b/c that's just what everyone has been taught for centuries.
If your faith is made like a trampoline, it is made up of springs. If you find out that one thing is wrong, you take away a spring and you're faith is still in tact. Maybe a little unsteady until you rebuild that specific spring, but it hasn't completely fallen apart.

I am not suggesting that there is anything in the Bible that is untrue, because I don't believe that. I do believe that humans make mistakes, and that there are plenty of things that we may have been taught as kids that are not necessarily truth, like: divorce is never ok, or you should hang out with "good" people, or how we are taught from such a young age that we shouldn't be caught in a sketchy place no matter our intentions b/c of what people might think. Jesus hung out with hookers, and was seen in the homes of thieves.

This has nothing to do with what I wanted to blog about tonight.....
I'm not even sure why I thought of it, it's been a couple years since I even picked that book up.
Oh well, I guess I'll blog about the book of Matthew some other time.  

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