
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Make them Wonder

Something I have had on my mind a lot lately is an issue that a lot of people don't even realize is happening.

Human Trafficking.

I'm sure you have heard of Drug Trafficking, and maybe you have heard of Human Trafficking but for a lot of people it's something they think about thousands of miles away. Well let me clue you in. It's not just thousands of miles away, it's right in our back yard.

Human Trafficking- It's exactly what it sounds like, people like me and you are taken, moved locations, and sold for many reasons.
According to the there are approx
27 MILLION people in modern-day slavery across the world.
14.5-17.5 THOUSAND people trafficked into the United States EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
50% of people trafficked are children
80% are women or young girls

While the United States is primarily a destination country or a country used primarily to traffic through, that doesn't mean that people don't disappear from our homes to be forced into this kind of situation.
In 06 primetime did a story on a young girl from phoenix who was abducted from her DRIVEWAY for the purpose of Human Trafficking.
In 08 there was a story done on of a H.S. girl from Florida who was kidnapped and sold to a man in Texas.
And these are just the stories of your average kids, not counting the runaways, or the kids who are 'unloved,' thrown aside by parents because they weren't wanted in the first place.

These are just a few statistics, and just the statistics in the States. So today the challenge is to GO
"Therefore go, and make disciples of all nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matt. 28:19

Start here. This is not the only major issue that gets swept under the rug in the United States. Seek it out, what is the issue, how can we fix it? Who can we minister to, and how?
As christians we are called to be examples for the world. We are the ones that should be out there attempting to love the unloveable, and helping to right the world of the things that have gone so so wrong.
Let's do something DANGEROUS
Something that they will see
Something that will make them wonder WHY

"The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion."
Prov. 28:1

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