
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


One of the biggest myths about following Christ is that once you 'pray the prayer' and follow these three steps your life will be happy, and easy, and you will never have to worry again.

2 major problems with that.

1. Following Christ is not a 3 step program, follow this guide and you'll have all the answers kind of deal. It is not a sprint through life, it is a marathon. It takes time EVERY DAY, it takes maajor dedication. Jesus asked a lot of people to do a lot of really hard things when He walked the earth. Like in Luke 21 when he asks the rich man to sell his belongings and give to the poor.

2. Following Christ does not guarantee you a stress-free life of bliss. Look at Esther, or Job. Esther was an orphan who was chosen by a king to marry him. While acting as queen she found out her people were going to be executed, a little stressful I'd guess, she had to act against century-old rules and risk her life for her people.
Job was considered by God Himself to be a "man of perfect integrity" (job 1:8). He lost everything, his possessions, his family, he caught insufferable disease.

This is not an easy gig. Following Christ means being willing to give up everything on this earth that you have ever worked for or loved. I am not saying that you should give up your spouse or your children, in fact that would be a really bad idea. I'm saying that God calls us to love HIM more than our spouses or our children. He calls us to be willing at any moment to say Yes, God no matter what He is asking us to do! It is scary, thrilling, exciting, possibly dangerous, and ALWAYS worth it!
So basically I'm challenging you. Rebel against what 'Christianity' has become. Don't be a follower of the church, be a follower of Jesus, and don't swallow everything your told in the church. Take it home, read it, discover it for yourself.

Arise into a new generation, a generation that doesn't pretend to be perfect, but that shows the world your real self. What good is a God that loves perfect people?! WE ARE SINNERS, accept it, God still forgives us, He loves us despite our imperfections and thaat is the God that the world is desperate to know! Don't walk into church as this righteous, holier-than-thou person that you are desperately trying to be.
The world needs us to be REAL

"Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me."
-John 12:26

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